posted 2014 Dec by

Which is the favourite city of contemporary artists?

PlakatKombinat.com presents



The answer to the question “Which is the favourite city of contemporary artists?” can be found in the exhibition of original posters under the theme Favourite City. The official opening will be on the 16th of December, in the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in London’s Sofia Gallery, as part of the program of the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture.

The exhibition will present 20 renowned Bulgarian artists who work in poster design, illustration and graphic design. The theme “Favourite city” shows each artist’s favourite place, through an interesting point of view.

Some of the artists have prefered the more ‘chatty’ language of illustration and infographic, while others have stopped at visual puns with text and font. Most of them develop the theme of their favourite city with a concentrated metaphor, through the means of poster art and the visual anecdote. All of them interpret the theme with a clear and precise visual thought- typical for the wonderful art of the poster, which always says the most important information with one look and is always on spot.

This is the first contemporary graphic design exhibition in the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in London. Most of the works are made especially for this exhibition and for the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture.

The featured artists are part of the online platform plakatkombinat.com, which aims to popularize and sell the works of contemporary Bulgarian artists, around the world.