posted 2018 Sep by

STRASBOURG,11 - 24 MAY 2018


"Europe in Bulgarian" is a poster exhibition that visually tells different stories related to Bulgarian culture. Each of the posters contains a word written in the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet.

"Europe in Bulgarian" is the latest project of Plakat Kombinat presented at our collection CYRILLIC.

Some of the words you will find in "Europe of Bulgarian" come from the project "Grafonetika" that represents the similarity between the wording and the spelling of certain cultural concepts in European languages, for example: Opera, duet, idea, utopia, technology, aesthetics, Europe, atmosphere, melody, archeology. The concepts related to the qualities and the character of the Bulgarian culture - are communicated through European cultural codes highlighting the similarity of the words.

When: 11 - 24 May 2018 
Where: Palais de l'Europe, Conseil de l'Europe - STRASBOURG, France


More about the Cyrillic:

The Cyrillic, used today by Bulgarians and more than 300 million people in the world - was created in the 9th century. The two brothers Cyril and Methodius of Thessaloniki created the first Slavic alphabet - the Glagolitic (presumably in 862). Through their work they affirmed the right of every people to express freely in their own language, as well as the right of every human being to touch the spiritual achievements of mankind through the word and the book. In 1981 Pope John Paul II declared them co-patrons saints of Europe for their important cultural contribution to the history of Europe.

The disciples of Cyril and Methodius established themselves in Bulgaria where they continued the work of the two brothers. It is supposed that the Cyrillic alphabet was created in Bulgaria by one of the disciples of the Thessalonian brothers and was called "Cyrillic" in honor of Teacher Cyril. From Bulgaria, the Slavic script was spread among other Slavic peoples - among Serbs, Russians, Ukrainians.

Cyrillic is today the third official alphabet of the European Union, after the Latin and Greek. It was created on the basis of the Greek alphabet, with several signs added to the existing Greek alphabet.

May 24 is an official holiday in Bulgaria - the Day of Slavic Literature, Bulgarian Culture and Education. This is a day when Bulgarians celebrate one of the symbols of the Bulgarian identity - the Cyrillic letters, the writing, the speech, the education, the culture and the work of the two brothers Cyril and Methodius and their disciples.